• Kenichira, Wayanad - 673 596, Kerala, India
  • infantkenichira@gmail.com
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  • +91 04936-211813



Dark grey trousers and rose shirts
Pain black Velcro shoes with dark grey socks 
with rose stripes and black coloured belt with rose stripe

I to IV

Dark grey trousers and rose shirts
Plain black Velcro shoes with dark grey socks 
with rose stripes and black coloured belt with rose stripe

V to VII

Dark grey pants and rose shirts with overcoats
Pain black Velcro shoes with dark grey socks 
with rose stripes and black coloured belt with rose stripe

Dark grey pants and rose shirts with full sleeves and dark grey overcoat
Plain black Velcro shoes with dark grey socks 
with rose stripes and black coloured belt with rose stripe



Dark grey pants and colour T- shirts specified by the school
Plain black Velcro shoes with colour socks specified by the school 
and black coloured belt.

V to X
Dark grey pants and colour T shirts specified by the school
Plain black Velcro shoes with colour socks specified by the school
and black coloured belt.




Dark grey pinafores and rose shirts
Pain black shoes with dark grey socks 
with rose stripes and coloured belt with rose stripe

I to IV
Dark grey skirts and rose shirts
Plain black shoes with dark grey socks 
with rose stripes and black coloured belt with rose stripe




Dark grey pinafores and colour T shirts specified by the school
Plain black shoes with colour socks specified by the school 
and black coloured belt.

I to IV
Dark grey skits and colour T shirts specified by the school
Plain black shoes with colour socks specified by the school 
and black coloured belt.

V to X
Dark grey skirts and colour T shirts specified by the school 
with dark grey overcoat
Pain black shoes with colour socks specified by the school 
and black coloured belt.


Sweater     :         Dark grey sweater with V neck
Scarves      :         Dark Grey  
Caps           :         Dark Grey
Hooded Sweaters are not allowed

During rainy days students shall use black sandak rainy wear. No other type of foot wear shall be permitted.

Note: Students shall be in full uniform while coming to and going out from the school and it should be clean and well dressed. Boys are expected to wear their uniform in formal way and shall refrain from wearing tights. Regarding the shoes, it should be formal / executive and any other style should be avoided. The parents of the girl children are requested to ensure that their daughters’ pinafores and skirts reach below their knees also they wear dark grey tights under their skirt compulsory.  Students not in full uniform will not be admitted into the class room. Boys of high school should present themselves neatly with shaved faces if necessary.


          Girl students should tie their hair in ponytail using bun band. Bun band should be of the respective color of their T-Shirts.  They are not supposed to adorn their hair with flowers. The parents of the girl children are requested to ensure that their daughters’ hair is clean, tidy, and free from lice and combed neatly.

          Boys are expected to present themselves in short hair, neatly combed. Ultra modern hair styles are not acceptable. Any violations will be strictly dealt with.

Others: Fancy watches, bangles, rings, chains, bracelets, anklets, etc. do not form part of uniform. Fancy or hanging ear rings are not permitted.   

Nails are to be neatly cut and no nail polish to be used on them

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